Romy's Counselling
Contact us at 905-452-7227 or 647-400-8467
"Addressing your emotional needs with compassion"

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)  for Individuals and Group For Depression

What is CBT?

CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a collection of skills and techniques designed to help people deal with life problems more effectively. Through practice, people form new mental habits that drastically reduce symptoms, promote well being and prevent relapse.

The central principle of CBT is that our thoughts, feelings, physiology and behaviour all inter-relate and affect one another.

Changes in thoughts behavioral can impact our moods and physical functioning.  When people are in distress (be it from depression, anxiety, body image concerns, substance abuse, etc.), it is often because of a downward spiral effect between these variables.  CBT aims to reverse that spiral to an upward momentum toward health.

Does it work?

Study after study has confirmed CBT’s effectiveness.   CBT is recognized as an important component in the treatment of Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and many other mental illnesses.



Who can benefit from individual or Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

 Anyone suffering from symptoms of anxiety or depression.People with anxiety and depression profit from attending the group. Also people with mild to moderate personality issues benefit from taking part in the group. The group can be helpful if you have completed therapy work with a cognitive behaviour therapist.

It will help you to put things in practice that you have learned. Some people with long standing problems find that the group is a beneficial practice to gradually and slowly break down old and dysfunctional patterns of behaving and thinking


CBT sessions may be offered to an individual on a one to one bass or for groups in a group setting.

The group is taken by a Certified Nurse Psychotherapist Nurse - CNP who has treated individuals, developed and facilitated Cognitive behavioural therapy groups for individuals and groups suffering from depression, anxiety, stress and addictions various Mental Health and Addictions inpatient and outpatient clinic for some 20 years.


Individual counselling or group fees is not covered by OHIP, but fees may be paid by your insurance company group health plan, or you can pay from your own pocket. Know that fees paid from your pocket  can be used as an income tax medical  credit. 

Group duration is 8 weeks

To Register for the group  or to book an individual session contact us at 647-400-8467 or email at

Contact us at:

Romy's Counselling

18 Queen Street East or 375 Howden Blvd unit 2 ( Howden Medical Center )

Brampton Ontario

Tel: 905-452-7227  or 647-400-8467
